How To Buy A Manufactured Home : Site Preparation | Mobile Home Listings & News
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

How To Buy A Manufactured Home : Site Preparation

How To Buy A Manufactured Home

Site Preparation

Before your home is installed, make sure the site has been properly prepared. Careful attention to the following details will help ensure satisfaction with your home for years to come. Your retailer can provide you with valuable guidance and assistance.

If you're having the home installed on your own land, you may be responsible for site preparation. But it's also a good idea to have your retailer or installer inspect the site. Here's a site preparation checklist:

- The delivery truck must be able to reach the site.

- The site must be as level as possible.

- The area where the home will sit must be clear of trees, rocks, and other debris.

- The soil must be graded and sloped away from the home for water runoff.

- Fill soil must be compacted to prevent the foundation from sinking or shifting.

While you may be able to do some of the site preparation, most tasks, such as grading and compacting soil, require professional expertise. Otherwise, you could do damage to your home that's not covered by the warranty.

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